Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Congrats Josh Brolin, Words for the Wise

Congratulations all those who have been nominated for Academy Awards. The hard work, determination and perseverance is justifiably rewarded through awards. This is the biggest, although others such as The Golden Globes, SAG, DGA, etc... are equally as important. You can see many of the winners in the films we chose in our top ten. Congratulations specially to Josh Brolin, who can be seen in our top ten, as well as on the blog for our documentary "Nou Sove".

And on the note of winning, these words of winning came our way today. We e-mailed internally, but sharing (which is not on there, but should be) is another way to win. So without further a due:

Developing a Winning Attitude

Here are some tips on developing a winning attitude. Check the items you are already practicing.

* Don't dwell on your problems. Decide what can be done today about each problem and take action. Repeat once per day.
* Don't focus on other people's faults. Focus on the only person you can change - yourself.
* Keep your perspective - don't exaggerate the importance of trivial issues.
* Accept any praise that others offer you. Simply say, "thank you."
* When you receive criticism, think it over, make changes if you think they are desirable, and then let it go.
* Don't compare yourself to others. You are a unique person with unique gifts.
* Recognize that others are only trying to get their needs met. They are not out to get you!
* Realize that everyone has insecurities. Give others the benefit of the doubt whenever possible.
* Don't think about all your problems at once. Trust that you can handle each problem individually.
* Don't dwell on the past. Forgive yourself for mistakes and move on.
* Always be ready to appreciate what others have to offer. Maintain a friendly and open attitude.
* Don't worry about appearing weak. Trust yourself to leave a situation if that is what is healthy for you.
* Don't worry that others are watching you and judging you all the time. Most people are too preoccupied with their own lives to do that!
* Don't hold grudges. They will make you mentally, physically and emotionally sick.
* Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
* Cultivate a network of family and friends. Devote time and energy to keeping those relationships healthy and happy.
* Don't become jealous of someone who has something you want. If you feel envious, decide what you want to achieve and pursue your goal.
* Keep an open mind when others give you advice. You can think it over and decide whether or not to take it later.
* When you need help, ask for it from the appropriate person.

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